Exotic Hardwoods - At Wholesale Prices

EWC is a global leader in providing hardwood lumber to manufacturers and distributors that serve them. Our species availability and consistent, reliable supply help us ensure our customers succeed!


  • African Ebony

    Pink-colored, but darkens to a pale red brown
  • African Mahogany

    Pink when freshly cut, darkening to a reddish-brown, with pale goldern-brown zones, on exposure
  • African Padauk

    Vivid reddish orange color that changes to a purplish-rose colored hue
  • Afrormosia

    White to pale-straw in colour with no clear distinction between sapwood and heartwood
  • Afzelia

    Pale yellow to white, while the heartwood ranges from light brown to reddish-brown
  • Amouk

    Dark wood color Coppery brown with dark brown veins
  • Ayous

    Creamy-white to pale-straw in colour
  • Azobe

    Coarse textured wood with a very tight interlocked grain
  • Bete

    Heartwood can be yellow-brown, grey-brown or light mauve
  • Bilinga

    Yellow or aureate colour which darkens with time
  • Bosse

    Pale pinkish brown, darkening with age to a more golden to medium brown
  • Bubinga

    Red-brown with lighter red to purple veining
  • Dibetou

    Bronze orange-brown, with gum lines causing black streaks or lines
  • Eyong

    Pale yellow with white streaks
  • Frake

    Grey to pale yellow or pinkish white, darkening to pale reddish brown
  • Ilomba

    Whitish to pinkish brown, sometimes with yellowish markings
  • Iroko

    Golden-orange to brown, lighter vessel lines are conspicuous on flat saw surfaces
  • Kosipo

    Dull brown to dark purplish brown, slightly darkening upon exposure
  • Makore

    From pink-red to blood red and red-brown
  • Moabi

    one of the most sensual and satisfying of hardwoods that a furniture maker can encounter
  • Movingui

    Yellow to orangish brown; color tends to darken with age
  • Niove

    Brown to orange-brown with darker brown streaks
  • Okan

    Yellowish brown, often with a slight green tinge
  • Sapele

    Medium to dark reddish brown or purplish brown
  • Sipo

    From a pink-brown when fresh cut to deep red-brown
  • Tali

    Yellowish brown to reddish brown
  • Wengue

    Dark brown, almost black
  • Zingana

    Light golden-yellow with narrow veining streaks of dark brown to almost black
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African Ebony

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A Mahogany

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African Paduak

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Common Name

Local Name

Other Names

Scientific Name

African Ebony DataSheet
Local Name
Mavini, Ndou
Other Name

Gaboon Ebony, Ebene, Black Ebony, Mgiriti, Msindi, Omernowa, Kanran, Nyareti, Kukuo, Gaboon

Scientific Name
Diospyros crassiflora
African Mahogany DataSheet
Local Name
N'Gollon, Mangona
Other Name

Diala iri, Akuk, Bandoro,Khaya mahogany, Benin mahogany, Ogwango, Bisselon, Senegal mahogany, Bitehi

Scientific Name
Khaya ivorensis
African Paduak DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

tacula, Kisese, Palo Rojo, Mukula,Camwood, Mbel, Osun, Mongola, N'gula, Corail, Barwood

Scientific Name
Pterocarpus soyauxii
Afrormosia DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Afromosia, African Teak, Assamela, Baracara, Kokrodua, Mekoe, Mohole, Obang, Ole, Olel Pardo, Peonio, Tento

Scientific Name
Pericopsis elata
Afzelia DataSheet
Local Name
Doussié, M'Banga
Other Name


Scientific Name
Afzelia africana
Amouk DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Bodo, Mambodé (boiré), Enouk

Scientific Name
Detarium macrocarpum
Ayous DataSheet
Local Name
Ayus, Ayous
Other Name

Obeche, Wawa, Samba, African whitewood, African maple

Scientific Name
Triplochiton scleroxylon
Azobe DataSheet
Local Name
Okoka, Bongossi
Other Name

Bongossi, Ekki, Bonkole, Akoga, Dwarf red ironwood, red oak

Scientific Name
Lophira alata
Bete DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Mansonia, African black walnut, African walnut

Scientific Name
Mansonia altissima
Bilinga DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Akondoc, Badi, Opepe

Scientific Name
Nauclea diderrichii
Bosse DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Black Guarea

Scientific Name
Guarea laurenti
Bubinga DataSheet
Local Name
Bubinga, Essingang
Other Name

Akume,Kevazingo, Ovang, Waka

Scientific Name
Guibourtia demeuseii
Dibetou DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

African Walnut, Noyer d'Afrique, Tigerwood

Scientific Name
Lovoa trichilioides
Eyong DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Bongo, White Sterculia ou Yellow sterculia

Scientific Name
Eribroma oblongum
Frake DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Azinii, Limba,Noyer Du Mayombe, Ofram, Afara, N'Ganga, Kojagei, Limbo, Korina, White Afara

Scientific Name
Terminalia superba
Ilomba DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Walele, Otie, Akomu, Lolako, Pycnantus, Jaja, Calabo, Gele, Lifondo, Kpoyei

Scientific Name
Iroko DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

chêne d’Afrique, teck d’Afrique, teck kambala,African teak, African oak

Scientific Name
Chlorophora excelsa
Kosipo DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Lifuco, Diamuni, Etom, Penkwa-Akowaa, Omu, Impompo, Heavy sapele, Bakanga, Kosipo-Mahogany

Scientific Name
Entandrophragma candollei
Makore DataSheet
Local Name
Nom Adjap Elang
Other Name

African Cherry, Abacu, Douka, N'duka, Baku, Okola

Scientific Name
Tieghemella heckelii
Moabi DataSheet
Local Name
Ayap, Adjap
Other Name

African Pearwood, Ayap, M'foi, Muamba Jaune, Adjap, Dimpampi, Adza, Oko Uku

Scientific Name
Baillonella toxisperma
Movingui DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Ayan, Barre, Bonsamdua, Ayanran, Distemonanthus

Scientific Name
Distemonanthus benthamianus
Niove DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Menga-Menga, Niove, Oropa, Kamashi, M'boun, Bokapi, Molanga, Susumenga

Scientific Name
Staudtia kamerunensis
Okan DataSheet
Local Name
Adoum, Bokoka, African greenheart
Other Name

Bouemon, Oduma, Benya, Okan, N' Duma, Edoum, Adadua, Denya

Scientific Name
Cylicodiscus gabunensis
Sapele DataSheet
Local Name
Assie, Sapelli
Other Name

Undianuno, Aboudikro, Penkwa, M'boyo, Sapelli-Mahogany, Sapelewood, Muyovu, Lifaki

Scientific Name
Entandrophragma cylindricum
Sipo DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Kalungi, Assi, Abebay, Mufumbi, Sipo-Mahogany, Utile, Bokoi, Liboyo

Scientific Name
Entandrophragma utile
Tali DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Alui, Eloun, Mancone, Missanda, Sasswood, Tali, Mwavi, N' Kassa, Potrodom, Elondo, Kassa, Gogbei

Scientific Name
Erythrophleum ivorense
Wengue DataSheet
Local Name
Other Name

Awong, Panga-Panga, Jambire, Mpande

Scientific Name
Millettia laurentii
Zinga DataSheet
Local Name
Allen Ele
Other Name

Zebrano, Zebrawood, Zingana

Scientific Name
Microberlinia brazzavillensis